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Learn to sell! Change your attitude and your sales strategy.

Sales is not ‘nasty’, not about getting your ‘foot in the door’. Sales is about helping people and businesses, because your product or service is really worth the effort.

Sales is a specialist field.

BlueCliff & Partners adapts its training programme to your sales environment; selling a service is different from selling a car, and that in turn is different from selling a radio to a customer in a retail business.

For ‘Large Sales’, like selling a car, house or service, BlueCliff uses the S.P.I.N. model: we teach your salespeople to go beyond asking open or closed questions; when do you ask which questions, how do you make the customer aware of the impact of his ‘little problem’, how do you make a sales pitch that will be remembered?

For Retail Sales, what matters is quickly and effectively giving your people the opportunity to talk about ‘benefits’, encouraging them to get involved in upselling, and giving the customer a perfect ‘delightful’ experience.

In both cases we devote a lot of attention to meta-communication (body language, timbre and intonation of the voice).

Unlike conventional sales training courses, here even your experienced sales reps will come out of this course feeling motivated and stronger!
